On his website therickwilson.com, self-described GOP strategist Rick Wilson writes about appearing on CNN and MSNBC. He mentions being published in various national publications and his own “sharp-edged and witty political insight.” He ends by saying that he “enjoys overthrowing governments.”
Yet in response to the violence at the US Capitol less than a week ago, Wilson unironically called the actions “sedition and insurrection” and called for President Trump to resign or be removed from office. Presumably, Wilson wants to keep all the “enjoyment” in “overthrowing governments” for himself.

Because Wilson put in his seditious thoughts in to writing, which is a more deliberative process than speaking, we reached out to him with a number of questions about the enjoyment he derives from “overthrowing governments.” Wilson did not respond by our generous publication deadline.
Among other things, we asked Wilson what actions he has taken to overthrow governments, and whether he has done anything to overthrow the US government. Wilson, a former George W. Bush campaign aide, is a Lincoln Project co-founder and a Never-Trumper. As of last September, Wilson had a $389,420 federal tax lien against his Florida home for unpaid taxes.
We asked Wilson if he has cleared that tax lien, and whether his desire to overthrow the government was in any way motivated by that large tax debt.

This isn’t Wilson’s first hugely hypocritical act. Last June, Wilson’s Lincoln Project created an ad tying Trump to the Confederate Flag, which it called the “Flag of Treason.”
Only one problem: pictures then surfaced of a cooler on Wilson’s boat with a Confederate Flag and the words “THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN” in letters large enough to be visible from space.
Wilson continues to appear on CNN and on MSNBC, even after the Confederate Flag incident.
Wilson’s “The South Will Rise Again” messaging is described by UrbanDictionary.com as “a slogan for southerners who believe they should ‘take pride in their heritage’ even though their heritage includes a legacy of horrifying behavior.”
Is Rick Wilson a loathsome dead broke loser who is willing to say anything in equally loathsome shill media in exchange for money?
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